
Colorado College focuses much of its budget on meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need for admitted students. Therefore, we offer a limited number of merit scholarships. Every year, CC接受学术上有成就的申请人,他们包括各种各样的兴趣, talents and backgrounds. 所有被CC录取的学生都展示了他们的学术成就.

All merit scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admission. Because of limited funding for merit-based aid, very few admitted students are awarded these scholarships.

由于奖学金数量有限,学生竞争激烈, 我们的录取和经济援助程序不允许对优秀奖学金提出上诉. 如果学生被录取但没有获得奖学金,则有奖学金 没有提出申请获得奖学金或增加现有奖学金的上诉程序.

Merit Scholarships

These three Colorado College merit scholarships do not 需要任何额外的申请-入学申请(普通申请), QuestBridge Application, or Apply Coalition powered by Scoir), 你的奖学金申请和所有可能的奖项都经过审查了吗.

Students are reviewed by the Office of Admission as a pool, and because the pool of applicants changes from year to year, we are unable to provide specific markers (ACT or SAT scores, GPAs, etc.)来表明你获得优秀奖学金的可能性. 获得优秀奖学金的学生将在入学时收到获奖通知.


The college awards a very limited number of four-year $40,000 scholarships, in increments of $5,000 per semester, to excellent students. 学院根据优秀的学术成绩选拔领袖学者, leadership, 课外成绩由学院入学申请中提交的证书确定
The college awards a very limited number of four-year $28,000 scholarships, in increments of $3,500 per semester, to excellent students. 学院根据在学院入学申请中提交的证书确定的杰出学术和课外成就选择受托学者.
The college awards a very limited number of four-year $20,000 scholarships, in increments of $2,500 per semester, to excellent students. 大学根据在大学入学申请中提交的证书,根据杰出的学术和课外成就选择总统奖学金获得者.

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Additional Applications

赌博正规的十大网站的理学系和数学系提供强大的学术课程,以其创新的教学和现代化的设施和仪器而广受认可. 50多名教师活跃在各个科学部门, 为本科生提供密切关注和丰富的经验. Graduates excel in a variety of fields, including medicine, biotechnology, forensics, and top graduate programs in a variety of disciplines.

Otis A. Barnes Scholarship

Usually, two full-tuition Otis A. 巴恩斯化学和生物化学奖学金每年颁发一次.  只要学生完成学业,奖学金的有效期为四年 satisfactory progress toward a chemistry or biochemistry degree at Colorado College. 奖学金包括学费,但不包括住宿费, meal plan, or the student activity fee. However, 有资格获得基于需求的援助的学生可能会获得经济援助,以支付这些额外费用, depending on calculated need.

Margaret T. Barnes Scholarship

Usually, one full-tuition Margaret T. 巴恩斯自然科学奖学金(包括分子生物学、有机生物学) & Ecology, Environmental Science, Geology, Physics, Psychology, 神经科学)和数学(包括计算机科学)每年颁发一次. 只要学生完成学业,奖学金的有效期为四年 satisfactory progress toward their major in the Natural Sciences or Mathematics. 奖学金包括学费,但不包括住宿费, meal plan, or the student activity fee. However, 有资格获得基于需求的援助的学生可能会获得经济援助,以支付这些额外费用, depending on calculated need.

Who Should Apply?

想要专注于数学学习的有才华和热情的学生, Computer Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, Geology, Physics, Psychology, or Neuroscience. Applicants must be United States citizens to be considered. Because the Barnes scholarships are mutually exclusive, applicants may apply for either the Margaret T. Barnes Scholarship or the Otis A. Barnes Scholarship, but not both.

Evaluation Criteria

Barnes Scholarships are awarded primarily for academic merit, 考虑在包括严格的数学和科学课程的高中课程中取得成功. 课外活动和领导能力也被考虑在内,经济需求也被考虑在内. 申请人申请赌博正规的十大网站,成绩单和考试成绩(如果适用), please review our test-optional policy) will also be included in the scholarship review process.

How to Apply

1. Complete our Preliminary Application 或者通过普通申请提交入学申请, QuestBridge Application, or Coalition Application.

2. Submit the Barnes Interest Form. To access the Barnes Interest Form, you will need your CC login credentials, sent to you upon submission of your Preliminary Application or your admission application.

On the Barnes Interest Form, 你将包括一个导师的名字和赌博正规的十大网站,他可以代表你提交推荐信. 你的推荐人应该与你预期的数学或科学专业密切相关, 他们的信应该特别指出你获得这个奖项的潜力. 请在申请截止日期前填写巴恩斯兴趣表, 为了给你的推荐人足够的时间来提交推荐信. 提交此表格后,您的指导老师将收到一封电子邮件. 请在提交前仔细检查导师的电子邮件地址的拼写.

3. Once you've completed steps one and two, 在12月中旬,当申请打开时,你会在你的赌博正规的十大网站申请人门户网站上找到巴恩斯申请的链接. We'll also send an email reminder when the application opens. 在1月初奖学金截止日期前提交申请. To be complete, your application must include the following:

  • 一篇600-800字的短文,描述你在科学或数学方面的背景以及你选择你想要的专业的原因.
  • 大学入学时与你预期的科学或数学专业密切相关的导师的推荐信, specifically addressing your potential for this award.


Barnes Scholarship winners will be notified in mid-March.

El Pomar奖学金的设立是为了鼓励来自科罗拉多州的有才华和有激情的学生在公共政策和非营利工作中追求职业生涯,并支付每年的学费和费用, standard dorm room, and meal plan at Colorado College. Each year, 两名学生获得该奖学金,以体验卓越的文科教育,并获得宝贵的动手接触非营利部门.

As El Pomar Scholars, students work with the Collaborative for Community Engagement 办公室参与公民行动、学习和反思. 在CC,学者们将课堂学术学习与沉浸式社区参与体验相结合. As a cohort, 学生们定期参加支持非营利和公共部门技能培养的教育项目, 加深对科罗拉多斯普林斯和派克峰地区面临的社会和环境问题的了解, 并通过团队建设和社区形成活动加入同龄人的支持性社区.

只要学生完成学业,奖学金的有效期为四年 satisfactory progress toward their degree at Colorado College.

Who Should Apply?

Colorado residents eligible for need-based financial aid 如果他们考虑从事公共政策或非营利部门的工作,会被鼓励申请奖学金吗, 或者他们在高中期间参与了有意义和有影响力的社区服务, and plan to continue while in college. El Pomar委员会也可能考虑那些在赌博正规的十大网站的一般入学申请中表明他们是强有力的候选人的学生.

Evaluation Criteria

埃尔波玛奖学金委员会考虑申请者的领导潜力, commitment to the well-being of the people of Colorado, 以及他们对社区服务和/或公共政策活动的参与. 有高经济需求的学生和来自代表性不足背景的学生将在选择过程中给予额外考虑. 申请人申请赌博正规的十大网站,成绩单和考试成绩(如果适用), please review our test-optional policy) will also be included in the scholarship review process. 入选埃尔波玛奖学金决赛选手的学生将与埃尔波玛评选委员会进行虚拟面试.

How to Apply

1. Complete our Preliminary Application 或者通过普通申请提交入学申请, QuestBridge Application, or Coalition Application.

2. Submit the El Pomar Interest Form. To access the El Pomar Interest Form, you will need your CC login credentials, sent to you upon submission of your Preliminary Application or your admission application.

On the El Pomar Interest Form, 你将包括可以代表你提交推荐信的人的姓名和赌博正规的十大网站. 你的推荐人应该熟悉你对公共政策的兴趣, nonprofit work, or community service, and commitment to serving the people of Colorado. 他们的信应该特别提到你作为El Pomar学者的潜力. 请在申请截止日期前完成埃尔波马兴趣表, 为了给你的推荐人足够的时间来提交推荐信. 一旦您提交此表格,您的推荐人将收到一封带有指示的电子邮件. 请在提交之前仔细检查推荐人的电子邮件地址的拼写.

3. Once you've completed steps one and two, 在12月中旬,当申请打开时,你会在你的赌博正规的十大网站申请人门户网站上找到El Pomar申请的链接. We'll also send an email reminder when the application opens. 在1月中旬奖学金截止日期前提交申请. To be complete, your application must include the following:

  • Your resume
  • A 600-800 word essay that describes 你的社区服务经历或者你对公共政策的兴趣, and your commitment to serving the people of Colorado. 考虑赌博正规的十大网站如何在这些领域进一步推动你的追求.
  • Two short-answer responses
  • 一封推荐信,推荐人可以说明你作为El Pomar学者的潜力.

El Pomar的申请将于12月中旬至1月中旬开放.

埃尔波玛奖学金入围者将于2月中旬收到通知,并将与埃尔波玛选择委员会联系安排虚拟面试. Winners will be notified in mid-March.

科罗拉多大学体育奖学金只提供给参加NCAA一级运动的学生-女子足球和男子冰球. All other varsity sports at CC are NCAA Division III. NCAA规定禁止为参加三级运动的学生提供体育奖学金. 联系CC体育部(719)389-6476或访问 athletics website for specific information.

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Outside Scholarships

The following outside scholarships are not administrated by Colorado College. Please click the links below for additional information.
Boettcher基金会选择科罗拉多州居民的优秀学生获得可续期的Boettcher奖学金. Boettcher基金会每年提供20美元的固定金额,000 per year for four years, and Colorado College provides additional grants to cover the total amount of tuition and fees那些有资格帮助支付住房和膳食计划费用的人也可以获得基于需求的补助金. 

If you are a National Merit finalist, 你必须告知国家优秀奖学金公司,赌博正规的十大网站是你的第一选择. 报告赞助大学作为第一选择的公布截止日期可在网站的第3页查看 国家优秀奖学金计划半决赛选手的要求和说明.

For more information, see the website at National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

国家优秀奖学金®公司颁发三种不同类型的奖项. 国家优秀奖学金公司选出入围者并通知赌博正规的十大网站. Colorado College is not involved in the selection process.

  • National Merit $2500 Scholarships
    • 这些单一的支付奖励是在州与州之间进行的. 奖学金来自国家优秀奖学金公司,赌博正规的十大网站没有匹配的奖学金.
  • Corporate-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Awards
    • 这些单次付款或可续期奖励由赞助商指定给获奖者. 奖学金由赞助商提供,与赌博正规的十大网站没有匹配.
  • College-Sponsored Merit Scholarships
    • These renewable 奖学金颁发给国家优秀奖学金决赛入围者,并且表明 Colorado College is their first choice*,并且没有获得过其他国家优异奖. 获奖者从国家优秀奖学金公司获得1000美元, 以及赌博正规的十大网站的1000美元奖学金,总共每年2000美元. This award is renewable for four years of undergraduate study.

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Tuition Remission

如果你的经济援助奖励反映了你将通过中西部联合学院(ACM)学费减免交换计划或科罗拉多大学学费减免获得学费优惠, you are not eligible for merit scholarships. 如果在了解学费减免福利之前获得奖学金, 它将被取消,如果学费减免福利失去,它将恢复.
Report an issue - Last updated: 04/23/2024

Contact Us

Office of Financial Aid & Student Employment
(800) 260-6458
(719) 389-6651
Fax: (719) 389-6173
14 E. Cache La Poudre St
Spencer Center, 1st Floor
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Hours of operation: Mon - Fri, 8:30am-5:00pm