Curricular/Co-curricular Support Beyond 的 Center

教学 和学习 待售 两者都可以 要求和奖励. As 一个机构, 我们 让我意识到 通识教育项目,很好e 反种族主义教室,以及 支持学生,互相支持 正在发生的大流行. Our campus is rich with programs 和 collaborative partners who can offer support for 订婚了 teaching 和 enrich 学习 experiences at 科罗拉多大学. 激发讨论和 促进 潜在的合作, 的 Deans’ Office 和 Crown 教师 Center have brought toge的r a collective of 的se programs 和 people who can act as thought partners, 分享 专业知识, 提供 教师资源 在你的课程和专业上支持学生. 


我们期待与您密切合作! Feel free to reach out to any of us regarding collaboration. If you're unsure of w在这里 to start, please fill out 这种形式 我们会保持联系的.

Are you considering taking your course off campus for anything from a local day trip to 和 b锁 abroad? Our office can help you develop 的 most effective field trip or abroad experience也一样 as helping you with inclusive practices, 物流, 风险管理, 以及应急准备.

首选联络/预订方式: 电子邮件 画Cavin (国内)或 艾伦Bertsche (国际)

我们支持教学, 学习, scholarly production at 的 college 和 can consult with you about your pedagogy, 学习成果, 课程与作业设计.


  • 史蒂夫•盖蒂, Ph.D. student motivation, data analysis, quantitative lab 设计, teaching & 学习 environment analysis, field work support
  • 克里斯·沙赫特, M.F.A.: In-class activity/workshop development (peer review, 起草, 创意, 修辞分析), 创意写作(散文), 科学写作, student academic mentoring (
  • 切尔西沃尔特, Ph.D.文化和语言的多样性
  • 米娅阿尔瓦拉多, M.F.A.学生论文、阅读工作坊、研究
  • 罗伊·乔·萨丁, M.A.:资助写作, 提案和申请写作, writing for publications (scholarly 和 popular), 历史书写, 为MATs写作(rsartin@coloradocollege).edu)

To enable community-订婚了 pursuits within 的 classroom 和 re搜索 agendas, 的 CCE works to exp和 的 capacity of interested faculty by providing intellectual 和 practitioner support in each stage.  特别是, we work to better underst和 和 分享 how to adapt, 扩展, 利用一个浓缩的, 沉浸式块格式的社区影响.  CCE staff can support you in 学习 best practices 和 successful models for 的 b锁, act as thought partners in 设计ing a class or re搜索 project, can connect you with partners 和 community-identified needs, serve as or connect you to community co-facilitators, can work with your students or advisees interested in applied 作业 or 的sis projects.

首选联络/预订方式:电子邮件 Dr. 乔丹·特拉维斯·拉德克社会学家兼CCE主任.

创造力 & Innovation supports 的 innovative teaching 和学习 that characterizes 科罗拉多大学’s educational experience by resourcing faculty members to explore creativity within 的ir teaching 和 的ir professional lives. We work closely with professors to 设计 和 implement workshops, 作业, activities that that help students build creative capacity, 有效沟通, 并学会解决复杂的问题. Our Innovator in Residence program brings creative professionals of all kinds into classrooms to model new ways of thinking 和 inspire cross-disciplinary collaborations. We also offer a variety of funding opportunities that are intended to encourage faculty to dream boldly about 的 possibilities for creative teaching 和学习 at 科罗拉多大学. 通过我们所有的教员合作, we hope to augment CC’s tradition of finding radical approaches to new 和 existing problems. We are available to act as thought partners at any stage of 的 development of a project or class activity, so please feel free to reach out with a full p局域网 of action or 的 beginnings of an idea.

首选联络/预订方式: 电子邮件 杰西卡Hunter-Larsen,创意副总监 & CC的创新.

数字教学 & Re搜索 supports faculty who are using digital platforms to deliver 的ir courses, who are integrating digital tools 和 methods into class projects, or who are interested in applying digital tools to 的ir own scholarly re搜索 projects. We work with faculty to answer questions about online pedagogy, 整合和评估数字课程, choosing software for re搜索 or teaching projects. 数字研究 & 教学 staff offer both in-class workshops on specific digital tools 和 support for students working to complete digital projects.

首选联络/预订方式: 电子邮件 詹妮弗·戈莱特利,学术申请专员.

The 学术项目办公室 (OAP) 提供s holistic support to mission-critical elements of CC’s curriculum, 包括一年级课程(CC100) & CC120), 自主设计专业, CC常用阅读也一样 as Writing Intensive (WI) 和 Writing in 的 Disciplines (WD) courses.

首选联络/预订方式: 亚伦·斯托勒,m.s.F.A., Ph.D. Inquiry-guided, 经验, problem-based 学习; writing pedagogies (particularly writing process, 反思写作, disciplinary-driven writing); teaching disciplinary thinking; transitions pedagogies.

图书馆的资料 looks forward to collaborating with you in fostering intellectual exploration 和 discovery. 我们提供研究专业知识, 集合, 服务, 技术 to support 的 rhythms of 的 B锁 P局域网. 无论是为了上课, 专业研究或个人研究, 图书馆和联络员可以提供帮助.

首选联络/预订方式:, 719-389-6662

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/07/2022



We can connect you with on-campus 和 off-campus resources, 支持你的头脑风暴, 设计, 然后上课, partner with departments 和 programs revising curricula, introduce you to knowledgeable faculty 和 staff, 并提供一种可能性. We enjoy thinking with new 和 exerpienced faculty alike, sharing your excitement for 订婚了 teaching 和学习.


我们可以和你合作 to offer in-class 和 out-of-class workshops, connect 你和 your students with academic support resources 和 opportunities on 和 off campus, 支持学生学习 新技能技术而学会了就学会了 B P局域网.


我们可以和你合作 on re搜索 projects focused teaching 和学习 in your classrooms 和 分享 resources with you on topics of interest. 请参阅 SoTL 和 selected publications from CC staff 和 faculty 在这里 研究和写作 的 B P局域网  强化教学与学习也一样 as presentations from institutions around 的 world 在这里.